Friday, March 16, 2012

I fangirled all over myself

I'm going to hell.

So much for posting every day during Lent but it's ok because God understands. He and I had a heart-to-heart on my drive down to Austin (it was a long drive I had to think of ways to entertain myself) I had things to do, places to be and parties...oh the parties. After taking the last three days to recover from SXSW and process all that happened while I was down in there I'm ready to share the good, bad and awkward with all of you.

Day 1:

Getting my badge

Ok, it wasn't snowing but it was pouring rain. I thought Texas was in a drought! I didn't bring a jacket so I was cold and wet and standing in this massive line being herded through while hoping to make my first scheduled panel. After an hour and a half I realized I would miss that panel and adjusted. People had started drinking in line and I could already tell this was going to be a college like atmosphere.

Personal highlights of the day were geek to the core. Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge Harry Potter fan and the webmistress of was doing a panel and then signing her book (Harry, A History which I am still reading). I couldn't go to the panel (don't get me started on Interactive vs Film badges) so I raced to her signing after my lone panel to have her sign her book for me and I was in true fangirl mode. I wouldn't shut up; I kept talking and talking. She was so sweet and even tried to talk with me but I think I cut her off because I was so excited. She is the manifestation of something that until that moment was intangible. I didn't bore her with my story of how my oldest son and I went to midnight release parties for the books and then when films came out we had a standing date to see them opening weekend. When the last film came out, my son now 17, you know him as Child A, went to our first midnight opening. It was a bittersweet moment for me because this was our tradition. Something special we had together. Something I hope he remembers as fondly as I will. All and Leakycon attendees have these stories about what the series meant to them and without these connections for the fandoms we would be lost. They brought the fans together and do great work for charity along the way. It meant so much to meet her, more than the five minutes I spent rambling on and on could convey. She is inspiring. Melissa couldn't have been more polite, even when I cut her off while I was my usual awkward mess.

Next up was the first of two films I would get to see while at SXSW. I decided to go see The Cabin in the Woods which is a movie that was written by Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon. My sole motivation to see this was because Bradley Whitford was in this movie. If you don't know who he is then I have nothing more to say to you, be gone. I stood in line, in the rain, and was lucky enough to get one of the last few seats. Just before the movie started Bradley Whitford came walking down the aisle...he was there...I was in the same theater as Josh Lyman. No, I didn't start screaming I love you Josh and no I didn't go all paparazzi and take a picture because I can act like a normal person. Which reminds me I didn't ask Melissa for a picture either, I just don't do that.

So here is the thing about me and Joss Whedon. I am not a fan. I have really thought about this; I've done actual soul searching about why I can't get on the Joss Whedon bandwagon. I have tried to watch, not really, but his concepts are so out of the box that I can't get it and it makes me not want to watch the show. Firefly, Buffy, Angel and Dollhouse; they just drive me insane. I hate the feeling like there is something I am not understanding, or that I am not cool. I am a smart person dammit! While talking with a tech guy one night at SXSW about this he asked if it was just that I didn't like Sci-Fi but that isn't it which led to a great discussion about Sci-Fi movies and books and how it helps him in the tech field inspire new ideas. Talk about things going over my head.

You have to be open to meet all kinds of people at SXSW and to be reminded of the times in school of why you were the unpopular girl because you didn't think Ralph Macchio was dreamy.

Come back tomorrow for Day 2: What Am I Doing Here?

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